Changing the way people think about cancer charities by reframing the mindset towards action and transparency.

8 Powerful Ways to Deal with Scanxiety: Dealing with Scan-Related Stress in Ovarian Cancer

8 Powerful Ways to Deal with Scanxiety: Dealing with Scan-Related Stress in Ovarian Cancer

Scanxiety. It’s a term that’s been buzzing around cancer communities for years, but what exactly is it? And why does it matter, especially for those…

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Hormone Therapy for Ovarian Cancer: Unlocking New Possibilities in Treatment

Hormone Therapy for Ovarian Cancer: Unlocking New Possibilities in Treatment

Ovarian cancer is a formidable opponent, but recent advancements in treatment options are offering new hope. Today, we’re exploring hormone therapy for ovarian cancer: a…

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LGSOC vs HGSOC: Understanding the Two Faces of Ovarian Serous Carcinoma

LGSOC vs HGSOC: Understanding the Two Faces of Ovarian Serous Carcinoma

Ovarian cancer is not a single disease but rather a group of distinct malignancies. The differences between LGSOC and HGSOC (low-grade serous ovarian carcinoma versus…

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Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers: Advancing Early Detection and Guiding Treatment

Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers: Advancing Early Detection and Guiding Treatment

Ovarian cancer is a challenging disease that often develops without evident symptoms, making early detection difficult. While the impact of this cancer is significant, researchers…

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Nourishing Your Body During Treatment-Induced Menopause: Nutrition Tips for Ovarian Cancer Patients

Nourishing Your Body During Treatment-Induced Menopause: Nutrition Tips for Ovarian Cancer Patients

As an ovarian cancer patient, you may experience early onset menopause triggered by treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. At Not These Ovaries,…

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